C#, Inheritance, Abstract Classes, and Interfaces

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C#, Inheritance, Abstract Classes, and Interfaces


  • Inheritance allows a class (subclass or derived class) to inherit properties, methods, and other members from another class (superclass or base class).
  • In C#, a class can inherit from only one base class, which is known as single inheritance.
  • Inheritance establishes an “is-a” relationship between classes, implying that a subclass is a specialized version of its superclass.
  • Example:
class Animal {
    public void Eat() {
        Console.WriteLine("Animal is eating.");

class Dog : Animal {
    public void Bark() {
        Console.WriteLine("Dog is barking.");

Abstract Classes:

  • Abstract classes are classes that cannot be instantiated on their own and may contain abstract methods (methods without implementation).
  • Abstract classes can have both abstract methods and concrete methods.
  • Subclasses of an abstract class must provide implementations for all the abstract methods unless they themselves are abstract.
  • Abstract classes are useful when you want to provide a common base implementation for several related classes, but the base class itself should not be instantiated.
  • Example:
abstract class Shape {
    public abstract double Area(); // Abstract method

class Rectangle : Shape {
    public override double Area() {
        // Calculation of area for rectangle


  • Interfaces define a contract specifying the behavior that implementing classes must provide. They only contain method signatures, properties, events, or indexers.
  • A class can implement multiple interfaces, unlike inheritance where a class can have only one direct base class.
  • Interfaces provide a way to achieve polymorphism without using inheritance.
  • Interfaces are useful when you want to define common behavior across unrelated classes.
  • Example:
interface IShape {
    double Area(); // Method signature

class Circle : IShape {
    public double Area() {
        // Calculation of area for circle


In summary, inheritance is about inheriting behavior and structure, abstract classes are about providing a common base with some default behavior, and interfaces define a contract for behavior without any implementation. Each serves different purposes and can be used alone or in combination based on the requirements of your application.

When to Use abstraction Vs. Inheritance

Abstraction and inheritance serve different purposes in object-oriented programming, and they can be used independently or in combination. Here are some considerations for when to use abstraction vs. inheritance:

Use Abstraction:

  1. Common Behavior Across Unrelated Classes:
    • When you want to define a common set of methods or properties that can be implemented by unrelated classes.
    • Interfaces are particularly useful for this, allowing different classes to provide their own implementation while adhering to a common contract.
  2. Multiple Inheritance:
    • When you need a class to inherit behavior from multiple sources. C# supports multiple interface inheritance, which allows a class to implement multiple interfaces.
  3. Flexibility and Decoupling:
    • When you want to design your system with flexibility and reduce dependency between classes.
    • Abstraction through interfaces allows for loosely coupled components, making it easier to change or extend the system without affecting other parts.
  4. Polymorphism Without Inheritance:
    • When you need polymorphism without establishing an “is-a” relationship between classes.
    • Interfaces allow you to achieve polymorphism without enforcing a specific class hierarchy.

Use Inheritance:

  1. Common Base Implementation:
    • When you want to provide a common base implementation for a set of related classes.
    • Abstract classes can contain both abstract and concrete methods, allowing you to share common functionality among subclasses.
  2. “Is-A” Relationship:
    • When there is a clear “is-a” relationship between classes, and a subclass represents a specialized version of its superclass.
    • Inheritance is suitable when you want to model a hierarchy and share common behavior among related classes.
  3. Code Reuse:
    • When you want to reuse code from an existing class in a new class.
    • Inheritance allows you to inherit the members of a base class, reducing code duplication.
  4. Extending Functionality:
    • When you need to extend or override the behavior of an existing class.
    • Inheritance allows you to build on the functionality of a base class by adding or modifying methods and properties.

Use Both (Abstraction and Inheritance):

  1. Combining Common Base Implementation and Contract:
    • When you want to provide a common base implementation through an abstract class and ensure adherence to a contract through interfaces.
    • This allows for code reuse and flexibility in implementing specific behaviors.
  2. Hierarchical Design:
    • When designing a system with a hierarchical structure where some classes share common functionality (abstract class) while others adhere to specific contracts (interfaces).

In many cases, a combination of both abstraction and inheritance is employed to create a flexible and maintainable object-oriented design. The choice between abstraction and inheritance depends on the specific requirements of your application and the relationships between the classes in your system.

What’s the Difference Between Abstraction Vs. Virtual

In C#, both virtual and abstract keywords are used to enable polymorphism and method overriding, but they serve different purposes and have different behaviors:

  1. Virtual:
  2. The virtual keyword is used to modify a method, property, indexer, or event declaration and allows it to be overridden in derived classes.
  3. A virtual method provides a default implementation in the base class that can be overridden in derived classes.
  4. Derived classes can provide their own implementation of a virtual method using the override keyword.
  5. If a derived class does not override a virtual method, it will inherit the base class’s implementation.
  6. Virtual methods have a default implementation, but it can be replaced in derived classes.
  7. Example:
class Animal {
    public virtual void MakeSound() {
        Console.WriteLine("Animal makes a sound.");

class Dog : Animal {
    public override void MakeSound() {
        Console.WriteLine("Dog barks.");

2. Abstract

  • The abstract keyword is used to declare a method, property, indexer, or event in an abstract class. Abstract methods have no implementation.
  • An abstract method must be overridden in derived classes, providing the implementation details.
  • Abstract classes cannot be instantiated directly; they serve as a blueprint for other classes to inherit from.
  • Abstract methods define a contract that derived classes must adhere to.
  • Example:
abstract class Shape {
    public abstract double Area(); // Abstract method

class Rectangle : Shape {
    public override double Area() {
        // Calculation of area for rectangle

In summary, the main differences between virtual and abstract are:

Virtual methods provide a default implementation in the base class, which can be overridden in derived classes. Abstract methods have no implementation and must be overridden in derived classes.
Abstract classes can have abstract and non-abstract members, while virtual members are always concrete but can be overridden.
Abstract classes cannot be instantiated directly, while classes containing virtual methods can be instantiated.
Both virtual and abstract play crucial roles in enabling polymorphism and facilitating code reuse in object-oriented programming, but they are used in different scenarios depending on the requirements of your application and the design of your class hierarchy.

Can Polymorphism be Achieved with Abstract, Inheritance and Interfaces

Polymorphism can be achieved using abstract classes, inheritance, and interfaces in C#. Polymorphism is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming that allows objects of different types to be treated as objects of a common base type.

Here’s how polymorphism can be achieved using each of these mechanisms:

  1. Abstract Classes and Inheritance:
    • Abstract classes can serve as a base for other classes to inherit from.
    • You can declare abstract methods in the abstract class that must be implemented by derived classes.
    • By overriding abstract methods in derived classes, you achieve polymorphism, where the same method call can exhibit different behavior depending on the actual instance type.
    • Example:
abstract class Animal {
    public abstract void MakeSound();

class Dog : Animal {
    public override void MakeSound() {
        Console.WriteLine("Dog barks.");

class Cat : Animal {
    public override void MakeSound() {
        Console.WriteLine("Cat meows.");

2. Interfaces:

  • Interfaces define a contract that implementing classes must adhere to.
  • Multiple classes can implement the same interface, allowing them to be treated uniformly.
  • By invoking methods through an interface reference, you achieve polymorphism, where different implementations are executed based on the actual instance type.
  • Example:
interface IShape {
    double CalculateArea();

class Rectangle : IShape {
    public double CalculateArea() {
        // Calculation of area for rectangle

class Circle : IShape {
    public double CalculateArea() {
        // Calculation of area for circle

In both cases, polymorphism allows you to treat objects of different derived types uniformly through their common base type (either abstract class or interface). This flexibility enables you to write code that operates on the base type, without needing to know the specific derived types at compile time.

Polymorphism helps in creating flexible and extensible code, as it allows new classes to be added to the system without requiring changes to existing code that uses polymorphic behavior. It’s a powerful mechanism for achieving code reuse, extensibility, and maintainability in object-oriented programming.