C# PointBetween
Dark Mode
In this section were going to finish the PointBetween class and create Unit Tests for it.
Let’ start of by defining a new Interface and Class for PointBetween.
//IPointBetween.cs using GeometryCoreProject.WireframeBaseInterfaces; namespace GeometryTypesProject.GeometryTypesInterfaces { public interface IPointBetween : IPointBase3D { IPointBase3D RefPoint1 { get;} IPointBase3D RefPoint2 { get;} bool Orientation { get; } void SetRefPoint1(IPointBase3D iRefPoint); void SetRefPoint2(IPointBase3D iRefPoint); void SetRefPoints(IPointBase3D iRefPoint1, IPointBase3D iRefPoint2); void SetOrientation(bool iOrientation); void SetRatio(double iRatio); double GetRatio(); } }
Then implement the PointBetween Class.
//PointBetween.cs using GeometryCoreProject.WireframeBaseClasses; using GeometryCoreProject.WireframeBaseInterfaces; using GeometryTypesProject.GeometryTypesInterfaces; using System; namespace GeometryTypesProject.GeometryTypesClasses { public class PointBetween : PointBase3D, IPointBetween { double _Ratio = 0.5; IVectorBase3D _RefVector { get { IVectorBase3D ReturnVector = new VectorBase3D(); ReturnVector.I = (this.RefPoint2.X - this.RefPoint1.X); ReturnVector.J = (this.RefPoint2.Y - this.RefPoint1.Y); ReturnVector.K = (this.RefPoint2.Z - this.RefPoint1.Z); return ReturnVector; } } public IPointBase3D RefPoint1 { get; private set; } = null; public IPointBase3D RefPoint2 { get; private set; } = null; public bool Orientation { get; private set; } = true; public PointBetween() { } public PointBetween(IPointBase3D iPoint1, IPointBase3D iPoint2) { this.RefPoint1 = iPoint1; this.RefPoint2 = iPoint2; IPointBase3D TranslatedPoint = this.TranslatePointAlongVector(this.RefPoint1, this._RefVector, this._RefVector.Magnitude * this._Ratio); this.SetCoordinates(TranslatedPoint.GetCoordinates()); } public PointBetween(IPointBase3D iPoint1, IPointBase3D iPoint2, double iRatio) { this.RefPoint1 = iPoint1; this.RefPoint2 = iPoint2; this.SetRatio(iRatio); IPointBase3D TranslatedPoint = this.TranslatePointAlongVector(this.RefPoint1, this._RefVector, this._RefVector.Magnitude * this._Ratio); this.SetCoordinates(TranslatedPoint.GetCoordinates()); } public PointBetween(IPointBase3D iPoint1, IPointBase3D iPoint2, double iRatio, bool iOrientation) { this.RefPoint1 = iPoint1; this.RefPoint2 = iPoint2; this.SetRatio(iRatio); double CurrentRatio = (iOrientation == true) ? iRatio : 1 - iRatio; IPointBase3D TranslatedPoint = this.TranslatePointAlongVector(this.RefPoint1, this._RefVector, this._RefVector.Magnitude * CurrentRatio); this.SetCoordinates(TranslatedPoint.GetCoordinates()); } public void SetRefPoint1(IPointBase3D iRefPoint) { this.RefPoint1 = iRefPoint; this.UpdateThis(); } public void SetRefPoint2(IPointBase3D iRefPoint) { this.RefPoint2 = iRefPoint; this.UpdateThis(); } public void SetRefPoints(IPointBase3D iRefPoint1, IPointBase3D iRefPoint2) { this.RefPoint1 = iRefPoint1; this.RefPoint2 = iRefPoint2; this.UpdateThis(); } public void SetOrientation(bool iOrientation) { this.Orientation = iOrientation; this.UpdateThis(); } public double GetRatio() { return this._Ratio; } public void SetRatio(double iRatio) { if (Math.Abs(iRatio) > 1 || iRatio < 0) { throw new Exception("Ratio Value Must be Between 0 and 1."); } this._Ratio = (this.Orientation == true) ? iRatio : 1 - iRatio; this.UpdateThis(); } void UpdateThis() { IPointBase3D RefPoint = (this.Orientation == true) ? this.RefPoint1 : this.RefPoint2; IVectorBase3D RefVector = (this.Orientation == true) ? this._RefVector : this._RefVector.InverseVector; IPointBase3D TranslatedPoint = this.TranslatePointAlongVector(RefPoint, RefVector, this._RefVector.Magnitude * this._Ratio); this.SetCoordinates(TranslatedPoint.GetCoordinates()); } } }
Then in the IWireframeFactory Interface and Class, we’ll add a new method for AddNewPointBetween
//IWireframeFactory.cs using GeometryCoreProject.WireframeBaseInterfaces; using GeometryTypesProject.GeometryTypesInterfaces; namespace GeometryFactoriesProject.FactoryBaseInterfaces { public interface IWireframeFactory { IPointBetween AddNewPointBetween(IPointBase3D iPoint1, IPointBase3D iPoint2, double iRatio = 0.5, bool Orientation = true); IPointByCoordinates AddNewPointCoord(double iX, double iY, double iZ); IPointByCoordinates AddNewPointCoordWithReference(double iX, double iY, double iZ, IPointBase3D iRefPoint = null, IAxisSystemBase3D iRefAxisSystem = null); } }
Then in the WireframeFactory Class we will define the new method for AddNewPointBetween
//WireframeFactory.cs using GeometryCoreProject.WireframeBaseInterfaces; using GeometryFactoriesProject.FactoryBaseInterfaces; using GeometryTypesProject.GeometryTypesClasses; using GeometryTypesProject.GeometryTypesInterfaces; namespace GeometryFactoriesProject.FactoryBaseClasses { public class WireframeFactory : IWireframeFactory { public IPointBetween AddNewPointBetween(IPointBase3D iPoint1, IPointBase3D iPoint2, double iRatio = 0.5, bool iOrientation = true) { return new PointBetween(iPoint1, iPoint2, iRatio, iOrientation); } public IPointByCoordinates AddNewPointCoord(double iX, double iY, double iZ) { return new PointByCoordinates(iX,iY,iZ); } public IPointByCoordinates AddNewPointCoordWithReference(double iX, double iY, double iZ, IPointBase3D iRefPoint = null, IAxisSystemBase3D iRefAxisSystem = null) { if(iRefPoint == null && iRefAxisSystem ==null) { return new PointByCoordinates(iX, iY, iZ); } else { if (iRefPoint == null) { return new PointByCoordinates(iX, iY, iZ, iRefAxisSystem); } else if (iRefAxisSystem == null) { return new PointByCoordinates(iX, iY, iZ, iRefPoint); } else { return new PointByCoordinates(iX, iY, iZ, iRefPoint, iRefAxisSystem); } } } } }
And finally we need to define a Unit Test Class, to do this we need to add a new Class to the existing PointConstructors Unit Test Folder.

We can now fully define the unit tests for PointBetween
//PointBetweenUnitTest.cs using GeometryFactoriesProject.FactoryBaseClasses; using GeometryTypesProject.GeometryTypesInterfaces; using System; using Xunit; using FluentAssertions; namespace GeometryUnitTestsProject.PointConstructors { public class PointBetweenUnitTest { // Create an Instance of the Factory WireframeFactory _WireframeFactory = new WireframeFactory(); IPointByCoordinates _PointByCoordinates1 = null; IPointByCoordinates _PointByCoordinates2 = null; // Constructor public PointBetweenUnitTest() { this._PointByCoordinates1 = this._WireframeFactory.AddNewPointCoord(10,10,10); this._PointByCoordinates2 = this._WireframeFactory.AddNewPointCoord(100, 100, 100); } [Fact] // Create Point at 55,55,55 public void PointBetweenTest1() { // Create an Instance of the IPointByCoordinates IPointBetween PointBetween = this._WireframeFactory.AddNewPointBetween(this._PointByCoordinates1, this._PointByCoordinates2); // Test the Point X,Y,Z Values PointBetween.X.Should().Be(55); PointBetween.Y.Should().Be(55); PointBetween.Z.Should().Be(55); } [Fact] // Create Point at 32.5,32.5,32.5 public void PointBetweenTest2() { // Create an Instance of the IPointByCoordinates IPointBetween PointBetween = this._WireframeFactory.AddNewPointBetween(this._PointByCoordinates1, this._PointByCoordinates2, 0.25); // Test the Point X,Y,Z Values PointBetween.X.Should().Be(32.5); PointBetween.Y.Should().Be(32.5); PointBetween.Z.Should().Be(32.5); } [Fact] // Create Point at 77.5,77.5,77.5 by Inverting the Ratio public void PointBetweenTest3() { // Create an Instance of the IPointByCoordinates IPointBetween PointBetween = this._WireframeFactory.AddNewPointBetween(this._PointByCoordinates1, this._PointByCoordinates2, 0.25,false); // Test the Point X,Y,Z Values PointBetween.X.Should().Be(77.5); PointBetween.Y.Should().Be(77.5); PointBetween.Z.Should().Be(77.5); } [Fact] /* Create Point at 32.5,32.5,32.5 Then Invert Orientation*/ public void PointBetweenTest4() { // Create an Instance of the IPointByCoordinates IPointBetween PointBetween = this._WireframeFactory.AddNewPointBetween(this._PointByCoordinates1, this._PointByCoordinates2, 0.25); PointBetween.SetOrientation(false); // Test the Point X,Y,Z Values PointBetween.X.Should().Be(77.5); PointBetween.Y.Should().Be(77.5); PointBetween.Z.Should().Be(77.5); } [Fact] /* Create Point at 32.5,32.5,32.5 Then Change the Ratio to 0.75*/ public void PointBetweenTest5() { // Create an Instance of the IPointByCoordinates IPointBetween PointBetween = this._WireframeFactory.AddNewPointBetween(this._PointByCoordinates1, this._PointByCoordinates2, 0.25); PointBetween.SetRatio(0.75); // Test the Point X,Y,Z Values PointBetween.X.Should().Be(77.5); PointBetween.Y.Should().Be(77.5); PointBetween.Z.Should().Be(77.5); } [Fact] /* Create Point at 32.5,32.5,32.5 Then Change the Ratio to 0.75*/ public void PointBetweenTest6() { // Create an Instance of the IPointByCoordinates IPointBetween PointBetween = this._WireframeFactory.AddNewPointBetween(this._PointByCoordinates1, this._PointByCoordinates2, 0.25); PointBetween.SetRatio(0.75); PointBetween.SetOrientation(false); // Test the Point X,Y,Z Values PointBetween.X.Should().Be(32.5); PointBetween.Y.Should().Be(32.5); PointBetween.Z.Should().Be(32.5); } [Fact] /* Create Point at 32.5,32.5,32.5 Then Replace Point 1*/ public void PointBetweenTest7() { // Create an Instance of the IPointByCoordinates IPointBetween PointBetween = this._WireframeFactory.AddNewPointBetween(this._PointByCoordinates1, this._PointByCoordinates2, 0.25); // Create a New Point to Replace Point 1 IPointByCoordinates PointByCoordinates1New = this._WireframeFactory.AddNewPointCoord(25, 250, 2.5); PointBetween.SetRefPoint1(PointByCoordinates1New); // Test the Point X,Y,Z Values PointBetween.X.Should().Be(43.75); PointBetween.Y.Should().Be(212.5); PointBetween.Z.Should().Be(26.875); } [Fact] /* Create Point at 32.5,32.5,32.5 Then Replace Point 1 Then Repalce Point 2 Change the Ratio to .75 Invert the Orientation*/ public void PointBetweenTest8() { // Create an Instance of the IPointByCoordinates IPointBetween PointBetween = this._WireframeFactory.AddNewPointBetween(this._PointByCoordinates1, this._PointByCoordinates2, 0.25); // Create a New Point to Replace Point 1 IPointByCoordinates PointByCoordinates1New = this._WireframeFactory.AddNewPointCoord(25, 250, 2.5); PointBetween.SetRefPoint1(PointByCoordinates1New); // Create a New Point to Replace Point 2 PointBetween.SetRefPoint2(this._PointByCoordinates1); // Change the Ratio PointBetween.SetRatio(0.75); // Change the Orientation PointBetween.SetOrientation(false); // Test the Point X,Y,Z Values PointBetween.X.Should().Be(21.25); PointBetween.Y.Should().Be(190); PointBetween.Z.Should().Be(4.375); } [Fact] /* Create Point at 32.5,32.5,32.5 Then Change the Ratio to 1.5 to throw an Error*/ public void PointBetweenTest9() { // Create an Instance of the IPointByCoordinates IPointBetween PointBetween = this._WireframeFactory.AddNewPointBetween(this._PointByCoordinates1, this._PointByCoordinates2, 0.25); //Set the ReferencePoint Action comparison = () => { PointBetween.SetRatio(1.5); }; comparison.Should().Throw<Exception>(); } } }